Showing posts with label REFLECTIONS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label REFLECTIONS. Show all posts

Weekends that are sweet

Mmm hmm, this was one of those weekends, full of delicious moments-a real nap, a family outing to the bar (are we bad parents?!), a run in the rain, an eggy breakfast on Sunday. Maybe it's just been a good combination of all things coming together, catching up. We've been in Atlanta just over a month now and maybe, just maybe, things are beginning to connect? I've also done a lot of self pruning lately. You see, I'm a recovering perfectionist (a description I stole from BrenĂ© Brown's book, Gifts of Imperfection) so it is in my nature to be always looking for areas that need a touch up. But lately, my self critique has been healthy-like in the letting go/acceptance way. The phrase I keep saying in my head, "Get on with it". 

Listening to other people helps when teaching yourself a lesson. In my case, the same lessons over and over. You see, I love writing, but usually I hate it too. Because once something is written, there it is, just sitting there with a million little evil imperfect faces just smiling back at you, like "heeeey". Then you take it the next step and share that stuff with other people (yep, this is a blogger saying it) and it takes the anxiety factor to another level. But here's what I've learned about not doing what you love just because it's not perfect, if you don't start just doing it-you never will. I love what Glennon Doyle Melton of the Momastery says about this too, " Waiting, she explains, is doing yourself a disservice. "It's a little teeny closet where you can hide and not get to the work of your life," she says. "It's a little too safe there."

I can't tell you how many times I've started a blog. At least 10. At night I have a so many ideas in my head and by the time I've finished scribbling them on a post-it, I'm ready to cross every single one off again, "you're a bad idea, you are too". Well, I want to decide to be braver. To live with the bad ideas. To let them laugh at me with their sour faces, because at least I'm working on something, which isn't nothing. So, my mantra: Get on with it. 

What are you stopping yourself from doing? 

A few other things I'm allowing myself, 
  • to wear the same thing, often (here's why)
  • to eat carbs because they're delicious
  • to be fine with an under-furnished, non-artsy apartment
  • contemplate bangs, even though I just successfully grew them out (why is that always the case?!)

Stay tuned for my upcoming post series, Wild Women. Interviews with everyday women who lead extraordinary ordinary lives. 
